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As I reflect on the semester, I have grown as a teacher in many ways. Throughout my student teaching experiences, I have gotten much more comfortable in the classroom, I've learned about ways I can effectively have conversations with students, facilitate discussions, etc. As I look at the dispositions, I think one area I am strong in is initiative and dependability as well as desire to improve my own performance. My mentor teachers and I were consistently discussing what went well in specific classes, and what I can do to improve. I also am constantly thinking through this in my own head. This allows for me to thoughtfully reflect, and figure out what I can continue to do better. I also put in the time and energy that is necessary in order to complete reflections, lesson preparation, etc. with quality and thought put into it. 


An area I can continue to improve is effective communicator. Sometimes in my lesson plans specifically, I have a difficult time portraying exactly what it is I want to say. This is something I can continue to improve upon. Having professional lesson plans, allows for me to feel prepared, and shows what I am capable of teaching. Alongside this, thinking on my feet as I am developing questions to ask students is another area I can improve upon. There are situations when I give a response, but don't ask any further questions. These further questions are what will allow students to continue thinking deeper, and are important for me to develop. In order to do this, I will think through questions I could ask ahead of time, and have them written down to quickly look at if I am struggling to come up with a question. I could also develop questions that I can ask in almost any situation and memorize those, so I am prepared when that moment happens. 

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