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Class 1 

September 13, 2019

Exploration 1: Sketchbook Introduction, Part 1:

During this class, we will be teaching students the importance of using a sketchbook to develop ideas and think through their own creative process. This is important because keeping track of their ideas can help students grow as artists, it can help them understand where they started and where they are now. This is something that is important to start at a young age because that can help them grow throughout their artistic development. We will also introduce the Wonder Lab teachers by sharing our artwork.​

Essential Understanding:

Artists and designers use sketchbooks as part of their creative process to think through and develop their ideas.

Learning Targets:

After the introduction, students will be able to generate ideas for their sketchbook cover, by talking in groups about their ideas, and then beginning to work. After discussion, students will be able to understand why artists and designers use sketchbooks in their creative process, as measured through their contributions to the discussion

Key Concepts:

  • Students will explore how to generate ideas by talking about them to others and by writing them down.

  • Students will use observation skills to start to connect the artist to the art they make.

  • After students think through their ideas, they will be able to choose and work with a medium or a variety of mediums to create their cover.


  • Ideation

  • Collaboration

  • Reflection​


Studio Habit: Observation

The Wonderlab teachers brought examples of our artwork and the students used their observation skills to try and guess who made what. A few students shared the reasons why they made their choices with the class and their comments demonstrated an understanding of the possible motivations an artist might have in making art.


"I picked this because your name tag is wavy and your art is wavy."


"I knew it was you becuase you came over there and stood and smiled for some reason."

Studio Habits: Envision/Express

Sketchbook Prompt: Artists Imagine the Future: Think About Your Future...

What do you see yourself doing in 5 years? 10 Years?

Where do you hope to live?

What do you want to do when you grow up?

"This is the house I will live in."


"This is when I graduate. There is confetti. I made the teacher say blah blah blah because I don't know what they will be saying."

Hippie in a flying RV game

"My hand won't fit at all in yours"

Comments About Gessoed Covers

"This feels rough"

"My pencil smears on this"

"It smells weird"

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