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Teachers demonstrate mastery of and pedagogical expertise in the content they teach. 

Throughout my time at Colorado State University, I am fortunate to have had both breadth and depth within studio classes and art history. I made the decision to focus on art education alongside a studio concentration in Fibers. This allowed for me to gain practice as an artist and an art educator. Alongside fibers studio classes, I took drawing, painting, printmaking, screen printing, sculpture, and pottery. This allowed for development of my own artistic practice, whilst also learning techniques that will become important throughout my career. Throughout my student teaching experiences, I taught drawing, sculpture, photography, and fibers. My studio practice allowed for me to have the knowledge necessary in order to teach these areas. I also have an understanding of art throughout human history through survey classes. Similarly, I went in depth in art history in the areas of Women in Art History and Craft: History, Theory, Method. This allowed for again a breadth and depth within the context of art history. Throughout my student teaching experiences, I created slides that introduced students to contemporary and historical artists. This has allowed for students to see inspirations, and therefore begin to develop their own ideas. 

ELEMENT A: Teachers provide instruction that is aligned with the Colorado Academic Standards and their district’s organized plan of instruction.

Throughout my student teaching experiences, I have aligned my lessons with the Colorado State Standards. Within each lesson plan, I thought through each of the objectives I am looking for the students to achieve. Each of these connects to one or more of the standards. As my artifact for this, I included the objectives that have standards with them, and then an example that allowed for students to achieve the standard. I also make sure to look at the GLE's that are connected with each standard, and how I can plan in a way that aligns with the Colorado Academic Standards. 

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Reflect and Transfer: 

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For more information on this lesson click here. 

ELEMENT B: Teachers develop and implement lessons that connect to a variety of content areas/disciplines and emphasize literacy and mathematical practices.

Throughout my student teaching experiences, I worked to incorporate math and literacy into my lesson plans. At the high school level, students were writing written reflections on their work and using the rule of thirds to create compositionally interesting photographs. At the elementary level students were thinking through what happened in the stories we read and what could have happened beyond the story. They were also thinking about the titles for the works of art they created. Students were practicing counting with their materials and they were developing patterns in weaving (over, under, over, under). As my artifact, I have included example of math and literacy incorporated into my lesson plans. 

The Dot by Peter H Reynolds Read Aloud: Click Here

After reading The Dot by Peter H Reynolds, students were asked to describe what changed from the beginning to the end of the story. They were also asked what could have happened after the end of the story.

Student Developed Titles for Artwork: 


Patterns for Weaving: Over, Under, Over, Under


ELEMENT C: Teachers demonstrate knowledge of the content, central concepts, inquiry, appropriate evidence-based instructional practices, and specialized characteristics of the disciplines being taught.

This semester, I have taught a large variety of different techniques and materials. I have also had experience with a TAB approach to teaching art. It looked slightly different this semester, due to COVID-19. This approach focuses on teaching students to think like artists, and therefore develop creative problem solving and critical thinking skills. This type of teaching practice is an instructional technique that allows for students to truly explore their creative passions. Students are given the opportunity to discover, explore, and invent. For this artifact, I added images of student work in a variety of different mediums. As a teacher candidate, it was important for me to have knowledge about all the different mediums. I am then able to set up studios and ask meaningful questions as students discover. 







Copyright © 2021 Sienna Bosch. All rights reserved.

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