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Class 9

December 6, 2019

Texture Exploration

During this lesson, students will get the opportunity to explore the different textures around them. Students will be using crayons and paper, they will rub the side of the crayon on different textures to explore texture in a two-dimensional sense. This is a way of getting students to explore something that is a large part of their everyday life. Everything they touch has a texture, but we don’t always think about that texture. This is getting them to think about something they are exposed to every day.

Essential Understanding

Artists and designers incorporate texture into their work.

Learning Targets

I can look and explore the textures around me and transfer them onto a piece of paper. 


I can combine multiple textures into a singular artwork. 

Key Concepts

1.After a brief demonstration, students will be able to explore the textures around them, and successfully transfer them onto a piece of paper.


2. After experimenting with rubbing the paper on different textures, students will be able to combine these textures into one artwork.


3. After experimenting with rubbing the paper on different textures, students will be able to share their texture discoveries with their table group for the reflective activity.


  • Imagination

  • Reflection

  • Exploration


What are some words that come to mind when you think about how textures feel?

Studio Habit: Observe 

Studio Habit: Envision

  • Slick

  • Scaly

  • Bumpy

  • Feathery

  • Fuzzy

  • Smooth

  • Rough

  • Soft


This student explains why she chose certain colors as a way to express her vision for the wings she drew.

This student discusses how he made some choices to express his design for his wings.

Studio Habit: Stretch and Explore 

For this class, the students were tasked with exploring how different items can make a wide variety of textures when they make a rubbing of the item with a crayon, marker or pencil. The items the students had access to ranged from shoes to dried hot glue on a plate to sandpaper. This is a way of getting students to explore something that is a large part of their everyday life. Everything they touch has a texture, but we don’t always think about that texture. This is getting them to think about something they are exposed to every day.

In this video, the student is stretching and exploring by seeing what texture the dried glue on a paper plate makes. 

In this video, the student is stretching and exploring by first rubbing the plate with sand and then discovering what texture tin foil makes.

In this video, the student is stretching and exploring by seeing what texture the sanding block makes.

In this video, the student is stretching and exploring by exploring the plate with glue dots on it.  

In this video, the student has added to his initial exploration seen in the video above this one.

This student enjoyed using their finger as the main tool to create swirls in the sand. They also added water to the sand to bring out the natural pigments onto the paper.

This student used a unique item for texture exploration. Her shoe!

This student explored the different textures that one button can make!

Studio Habit: Reflect 

The class enjoyed their explorations so much we had many volunteers who wanted to share what textures they found.

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