Quality Standard 1: Teachers demonstrate mastery of and pedagogical expertise in the content they teach.
Overall I think I’m proficient in Standard 1. I am well versed in art making, art history, and art vocabulary. I have experience in a variety of mediums including fibers, sculpture, printmaking, drawing, painting, etc. I am able to come up with creative ways to teach creativity and creative problem solving as well as develop critical thinking skills. I also am knowledgeable about the standards and connect them with the lessons I develop. There is still more to learn and more growth that can happen in these areas, as I continue to learn more about art making, as I learn more about teaching creativity, however, I believe at the moment I am proficient in these areas. This semester, I have learned about high school art classes and what that may look like. Art making at different age levels is going to look different, and it is important for me to grow in understanding what that is going to look like for the students I am teaching. The part of this standard that I need the most work in is incorporating literacy and math into my lessons. I have been working on developing lessons that incorporate math and literacy, but it is something I can continue to develop my skills in. I will continue researching and developing skills in how art and literacy can be incorporated into my lessons.
Element A: Teachers provide instruction that is aligned with the Colorado Academic Standards, and their district’s organized plan of instruction.
My lesson plan demonstrates a connection to the Colorado State Standards for Visual Arts. Our lesson was developed around the idea of ideation in art making, and how students can begin to develop artistic pieces that are demonstrating creativity and creative thinking skills. We also worked to get students thinking conceptually about the work they are making, and developing conceptual works of art. This connects to Standard 3 GLE 1 in visual arts for high schools in Colorado. Students are working to develop their ideas and through this ideation and experimentation students are advancing their technical and conceptual art making skills. Similarly students are thinking about art making from a variety of perspectivees and learning tools they can use to develop ideas which is connected to Standard 3 GLE 3.
Element B: Teachers develop and implement lessons that connect to a variety of content areas/disciplines and emphasize literacy and mathematical practices.
Our assessment project demonstrated the connection between a variety of different content areas. We created a summative assessment that allowed for students to connect what they were learning in a variety of content areas. Students would be asked to create a radio broadcast that talks about what they were learning in all the different content areas. Through this students would think about how a time period is made up of all of these different aspects of life. Inventions in music, art, english, and science are happening at the same time, and it is important for students to understand from a historical standpoint how all of these aspects are connected. Through this, they are able to learn about each content area, and also begin to see the connection between them.