ABCMouse! is an online tool that allows for students to interact with lessons, as well as further their skills in any particular area. This tool has almost all content areas, and can allow for students to practice their skills, and learn knew skills. It is made for elementary school students, which is valuable to me as I will have be certified to teach K-12 art.
During this screencast I learned a lot about how to use the tool. I learned that I can log in as a teacher, which is valuable because that makes it so I can create lessons for students in an interactive way. This way my lessons can relate to what I want them to learn, instead of using only pre-made lessons. I also learned about the privacy of students if I asked them to use this website. Since many students using this website would be elementary age, it is important to know about privacy of those students through the use of the website.
In a face-to-face classroom, I think ABCMouse! could be a great starting point. Students could learn about color and they could try and explore some new ways of making and creating. I think it would be valuable for students to try this in the sense of learning new ideas. Students could then take what they learned through this and make artwork. This could be a great starting point for thinking about and working with art.
For remote learning, I think it would be valuable to create lessons using ABCMouse!. This could get students started on projects, and then continue working with lessons once a week. I think in an art classroom, a lot of what we want students to be doing is exploring and trying new things. Through remote learning, I could create lessons about art materials we all have at home. This could get students thinking about making art from the materials in their backyard. This could get students thinking about making art from their recycle bin. I think creating lessons through this online platform could get students going on projects.
Link to online tool: