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Class Dojo

Sienna Bosch

Class Dojo is a great online tool that has resources for in the classroom, including timers, random group maker, etc. This is a great tool that allows for teachers to have multiple resources all in one place. Another aspect of Class Dojo is the ability to share with parents what students are working on in their class.

During my screencast I was able to think through the different ways I might be able to use this tool in my classroom. While I was re-watching the video I created, I started to think through multiple ways I can use this in my future classroom.

In a face to face art classroom, Class Dojo would be really helpful a variety of different ways. A timer that is on the board would be helpful if we were working on short explorations. This would allow the class to move through the different activities. I also think in an art classroom, it is important to share with parents what their student is working on. This tool would allow for parents to see what students are working on and what they are learning.

In a remote learning art classroom, Class Dojo would be helpful to communicate with parents as well as students. This would be a way to engage students and parents with art making in a different format.

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