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Sienna Bosch

Socrative is an online tool which allows for teachers to create quizzes, games, and exit tickets in an online format. This allows for students to share what they know and have learned. Alongside this it allows for teachers to see what students are understanding and the main concepts students are walking out of the class with.

The screencast was helpful in giving me specific information on how to use the online tool. I learned about the different features that are available through Socrative. The screencast allowed for me to learn what the online tool looks like for both students and teachers, both of which are very valuable for me to know.

In a face to face art classroom, this online tool would be helpful with understanding how students are progressing with their art during each class period.. I think at the end of the class, it would be great to have an exit ticket through Socrative that would allow for students to share the progress they've made that day.

In a remote learning art classroom, this could be done similarly to the face to face classroom. I could have two weekly check ins where students write about their progress. This could again be in the form of a exit ticket. This would be a great way for me as a teacher to check in with students and see where they are at and what they have been working on.

Link to website:

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