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Sienna Bosch

Flocabulary is a tool that allows for teachers to have access to resources that help them to introduce new topics to their students. This can be valuable if you are introducing a new topic and want to give base information to your students. This tool has videos for students to learn about a new topic. There are also quizzes and readings in each of the lessons that allow for students to better understand the overall topics.

During the screencast video, I learned about the ways in which we can all use this tool in our classrooms. There are many great resources that give students a starting point for whatever it is they are learning about. I learned about the different topics that we can cover with this tool.

In a face to face classroom, I could use this tool as a starting point for students about a particular topic. Although there is not a specific art section of this website, oftentimes contemporary and historical art is connected with what is or was happening at the time. This is something that you have to have an understanding of in order to understand the art. Therefore, I could show students some information about the specific topic, and then they could make connections between what they are seeing in the artwork and what they know about history through the video.

In a remote learning classroom, a similar thing could happen. Students could watch a video about a time in history, and then look at art from that time in history and create points of connection between the two. Students could be asked to post to a discussion about what they see in a specific artwork and how that connects to the video they watched about the time it was made in.

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