Newsela is a resource that offers articles from a variety of news sources. This allows for students to have articles that are important for what they are working on. It can connect with current events or events from the past.
In the video I learned that teachers can change the reading level that the text is at. This can help make information accessible for all students, whether they are at grade level in reading, below grade level, or above grade level. The content of the article is exactly the same, it is simply at a different reading level for the specific student. This makes it so that a whole class can be reading, gaining the same information, but the reading level can be different for different reading levels of students.
In a face to face classroom, I think this could be really valuable in getting students to think and talk about complex topics that could be brought up in a work of art. In the news there are a lot of controversial topics discussed. Likewise in art. I think getting students reading about these topics sparks their own interest in a topic they are interested in. Students can then create art about these topics they are interested in. I think it would be valuable to give students articles about these topics and then have a discussion around the topic followed by research on a topic they are passionate about that could be brought up in their own art.
In a remote learning situation, I think it could be valuable once I get a gauge of what a particular student is working on, I could send them articles that would relate or connect to what they are working on or the concept of their piece. This would allow for students to make valuable connections between their work and the world outside their work.
Screencast Part 1:
Screencast Part 2:
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